Pinecrest Swim Club Rules
Board of Directors | Term Expiration |
Pat Ikerd - President | 2026 |
Rob Smith - Co-Vice President | 2027 |
Josh Biel - Co-Vice President | 2026 |
Donna Saraga - Secretary | 2027 |
Amy Cyr - Treasurer | 2025 |
Lori Fawley | 2025 |
Jennifer Warner | 2025 |
Dustin Orner | 2026 |
Stuart Grandlienard | 2027 |
Jared Reed - Manager | |
- Head Guard/Asst. Manager |
Hours of Operation |
Monday - Saturday 11:00 - 8:00 |
Sunday 12:00 - 8:00 |
Sunday 10:00 - 12:00 Adult Only Brunch |
*Hours are subject to change based on Xenia Community School’s calendar at the start of the season (if school days are added) or in August when school starts (staff heading back to school) |
General Information
We are a non-smoking Club which includes vaping. You may choose to smoke outside the fenced area. Please be considerate with the ashes and cigarette butts and dispose of them in a proper manner. Members and guests are required to register at the front desk upon their arrival. No one will be permitted into the pool area prior to opening time (11:00 Mon-Sat, 12:00 Sun). The facility may be closed for special events, maintenance, health conditions, weather or any other reason deemed appropriate by the Pool Management. When possible, the members will be notified in advance. The office and concession areas are to be occupied only by employees that are on duty. All children under the age of 10 years must be accompanied by a parent or an authorized person 13 years of age or older during the hours of 11:00 to 6:00. All children 12 years of age or younger MUST be accompanied by an adult (18 years of age or older) after 6:00 pm. Bicycles are not permitted beyond the parking area and skateboards are not to be ridden inside the locker room or the fenced areas of the facility. Pets are not permitted on property. Intoxicating substances are not permitted on Club property without approval of the Board of Directors. Firearms are not permitted on Club property. Food and refreshments are to be kept away from pool. No glass containers of any kind are permitted on Club property. All members and guests shall give full consideration to the rights and privileges of others.- NO RUNNING
- Pick up trash and dispose in the trash cans
- No food or drinks in the pool
- Don’t climb on the playset
- No foul language or PDA
- Bring all equipment borrowed back to the office
- Any person having an infectious or communicable disease, open wounds, or has intestinal issues is prohibited from using the pool
- Abide by lifeguards and management
- Coast Guard Approved flotation devices ONLY…NO WATER WINGS OR NOODLES
- Only children 6 and under allowed in the Baby Pool
- No rough-housing, boisterous play, or wrestling
- Do not grab, hang on, or climb on the neck or shoulders of others
- Only squishy balls and similar material pool items allowed
- No water guns allowed
- Do not jump over or play on the steps
- Diving is allowed in the deep end only
- No spitting water
- No excessive splashing
- Do not distract/splash the lifeguards
- No flips or backwards/sideways jumping off the side
- No dunking others
- Keep games in the pool, not on the pool deck
- Adult Swim is for adults 18+ and children 6 and under (who are within an arm’s reach of the supervising adult)
- Children wearing Coast Guard approved flotation devices are to be accompanied by the supervising adult at ALL times
- No hanging on the rope or buoys
- No throwing or flipping others
- All swimmers 10 and under are required to pass a deep end test: swim one width of pool, touch wall, swim halfway across and tread water for 2 minutes, then continue to wall. Deep end test will be administered at 11:00 and at Adult Break.
- All swimmers 10 and under are required to wear the Pinecrest bracelet that is issued when swimmer has passed the deep end test while swimming in deep end. Bracelets are to be picked up and returned to front desk
- One person on the board at all times
- Only one bounce permitted
- Jump straight off the end of the board: no sideways entries will be permitted
- Swim immediately to the nearest ladder or shallow end – DO NOT swim back under the boards
- Wait until the person in front of you reaches the ladder before jumping/diving off
- No games allowed on the board
- No back flips… back dives only
- No lemon-drops, gainers, or sitting on the board
- Divers who try dives that look unsafe or not competently performed will be asked to discontinue that dive.
- A lifeguard is the final authority on all matters of discipline in and around the pool. Grave danger can be associated with a swimming pool, therefore the decision of the lifeguard is final and not subject to appeal for a period of 24 hours. After the 24 hour period has expired appeals may be presented to the Pool Manager or the Board of Directors.
All members and guests use the Club facilities strictly at their own risk. Pinecrest is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property. Personal property will not be held at the front desk. Damage to Club property will be charged to the responsible member. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, establish discipline policies which restrict activity privileges for members or guests who violate the Rules and Regulations or engage in activities not considered normal or acceptable.Guests
All guests must register at the front desk with a member present. Guests 6 years of age or younger must be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older) member.
Conduct of guests is the sole responsibility of the sponsoring member.
Guest admission will be for the day and include in and out privileges. If weather forces pool closing a rain check will be issued at the discretion of Pool Management.
Adult guests may be admitted inside the Club without charge, as approved by management, provided they are dressed in street clothes and remain dressed in street clothes.
A guest may enjoy guest privileges for the season no more than 7 times unless prior approval is received from Pool Management.
Guest Fees
*3 years of age or younger = $2.00
*4 years of age and up = $5.00
*Family max = $20.00
Closing Policy
The pool may not open or may close before the scheduled hours due to low temperatures, electrical storms, severe weather conditions, health concerns, or other reasons deemed appropriate by Pool management. If Pinecrest is unable to open at 11:00 then it will not open until 1:00. If at 1:00 Pinecrest is still unable to open then we will not open until 4:00. If at 4:00 Pinecrest is unable to open we will close for the remainder of the day providing there are no special events. If bad weather moves in and staff is sent home, the facility will open according to the times listed above. Every effort will be made by the management to keep Pinecrest open and running under safe conditions. If you question whether Pinecrest is open or not please call - (937)372-5755 or check our Facebook page.Party Rates – Based on 4 Hours
Number of Guests | Member Fee | Non-Member Fee |
Up to 10 | $35.00 ($10 each hour over 4) | $60.00 ($12.50 each hour over 4) |
11 to 25 | $75.00 ($16.25 each hour over 4) | $140.00 ($32.50 each hour over 4) |
26 to 50 | $100.00 ($20.00 each hour over 4) | $180.00 ($40.00 each hour over 4) |
51 to 100 | $120.00 ($25 each hour over 4) | $220.00 ($50 each hour over 4) |
More than 100 | $220.00 ($50 each hour over 4) | $420.00 ($100 each hour over 4) |
*CORPORATE FEE: $500.00 UP TO 250 PEOPLE* ($125 each hour over 4) |
Babysitting Fees
*If a member requires the services of a non-member babysitter, the member must register the babysitter with the Membership Coordinator. All non-member babysitters must be at least 13 years of age or older. A babysitter pass may be purchased that would allow the non-member babysitter to enter and use the facilities ONLY when he/she is with the designated member family. The cost of a babysitter pass is $75.00 for a limit of 30 times.
Additional passes may be purchased with a maximum cost of $125.00 which would be for the entire summer.
*If a member is babysitting non-member children, the member may purchase a babysitter pass for each child they plan to bring to Pinecrest. The cost of the babysitter pass is $75.00 for thirty times per child or $125.00 for the summer per child. No additional guest fees will be charged for the non-member child.
Facility Rules
Pool Rules
Diving Board Rules
*Adopted by the Board of Directors 2025
*Subject to revisions as needed